Odnr dam safety program
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About Back. Project Engineer. Related Projects. Change Makers. Change Makers We Make a Difference. Water Resources. June 16, Agency. Height of Dam Storage Volume. Class I - greater than 60 feet Class I - greater than acre-feet. Class II — health hazard, flood water damage to homes, businesses, industrial structures no loss of life envisioned , damage to state and interstate highways, loss of public utilities, railroads, downstream dams, only access to residential areas.
A levee is any artificial barrier together with appurtenant works that will divert or restrain the flow of a stream or other body of water for the purpose of protecting an area from inundation by flood waters and are classified as follows:.
Class I: probable loss of human life, structural collapse of at least one residence or one commercial or industrial business. Class II: disruption of a public water supply or wastewater treatment facility, or other health hazards; flooding of residential, commercial, industrial, or publicly owned structures; flooding of high-value property; damage or disruption to major roads including but not limited to interstate and state highways, and the only access to residential or other critical areas such as hospitals, nursing homes, or correctional facilities as determined by the chief; damage or disruption to railroads or public utilities.
Class III: a levee having a height of not more than three feet and a levee having a height of more than three feet when sudden failure of the levee would result in at least one of the following conditions: property losses including but not limited to rural buildings not otherwise described in this rule; damage or disruption to local roads including but not limited to roads not otherwise listed as major roads in this rule; property losses restricted mainly to the levee and to the owner's property or to rural lands.
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