Objectdatasource gridview update
Simply set the TypeName property to the type of the underlying object to be used, and the SelectMethod to the method to invoke when retrieving data. Even if you prefer the Configure Data Source wizard there may be times when you need to manually configure the ObjectDataSource, as the wizard only lists developer-created classes. If you want to bind the ObjectDataSource to a class in the.
NET Framework such as the Membership class , to access user account information, or the Directory class to work with file system information you'll need to manually set the ObjectDataSource's properties.
Once the ObjectDataSource has been added to the page and configured, we're ready to add data Web controls to the page to display the data returned by the ObjectDataSource's Select method.
You can then customize, rearrange, or remove the GridView's BoundFields by clicking the Edit Columns option from the smart tag. Simply select the BoundField from the list in the bottom left and click the delete button the red X to remove them.
These tutorials strive to remove any control-level style settings, instead using cascading style sheets defined in an external file whenever possible.
The Styles. If we set these CssClass properties at the Web control we'd need to remember to explicitly set these property values for each and every data Web control added to our tutorials. A Theme is a collection of control-level property settings, images, and CSS classes that can be applied to pages across a site to enforce a common look and feel. A Skin is a file that defines the default properties for a Web control.
Start by adding a new Skin File to your project named GridView. Since we don't yet have such a folder, Visual Studio will kindly offer to create one for us when adding our first Skin. Next, enter the following markup into the GridView.
Let's add another Skin for the DetailsView, a data Web control that we'll be using shortly. A Theme can be applied on a page-by-page basis or for all pages in a website. Let's use this theme for all pages in the website.
To accomplish this, add the following markup to Web. That's all there is to it! The styleSheetTheme setting indicates that the properties specified in the Theme should not override the properties specified at the control level. To specify that Theme settings should trump control settings, use the theme attribute in place of styleSheetTheme ; unfortunately, Theme settings specified via the theme attribute do not appear in the Visual Studio Design view. I am a newbie to ASP. Please do me a favour and point me out.
What do your update parameters look like on the objectdatasource? Does it have 3 or 2 parameters? Also in the edittemplate you want to use Bind instead of Eval then values are added to the dictionary automatically.
FindControl "txtID". FindControl "txtName". FindControl "txtLocation". Text; ObjectDataSource1. Clear ; ObjectDataSource1. First I get the index of the row that is being clicked using the e. RowIndex property. Once again remember that the parameters "id" should be the exact same as you have defined in the DeleteUser method in User.
Finally, we are to the last method which is update. To be really honest this took me some time since I was trying to use the e. NewValues and it was keep returning me nulls. Anyway, here is a small and simply solution but I am sure there are many better ways to do the same task. First let's take a look at the UpdateUser method in the User. I don't think I have to explain the above method. It simply takes id, firstName, lastName and updates the record.
FindControl "txtFirstName". FindControl "txtLastName". Int32, userID. I am using the same approach that I used for "Delete" and "Add" functionality. In short I am using the rowIndex to find the row that the user has clicked and then using FindControl method I find the new value from the TextBox control. And finally send the new values to the UpdateUser method which is defined in User.
Although I have demonstrated a very simple way of update, delete and add functionality I am sure there exist a much better way of doing the same tasks more efficiently.
I have attached the source code files with this project so please free to download them. Once, again thank you very much and remember its because of you FINE people that this website is up and running. Home Articles. This application was implemented in Visual Studio. NET Professional. Ask a question.
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