Rail grade crossing improvement program
Railway-Highway Crossings Program Stakeholder Input Summary FHWA, — This study of the Section program assesses nationwide crash trends over a year period and gathers input from a sample of Section stakeholders regarding their experience with program requirements. Highway-Railway Grade Crossing Action Plan and Project Prioritization Noteworthy Practices FHWA, — State highway-rail grade crossing action plans identify specific solutions for improving safety at crossings; focus on crossings that have experienced multiple accidents or at high risk for such accidents; and cover a five-year time period.
It is intended for those agencies installing new systems as well as those retrofitting existing systems. Driver Behavior at Highway-Railroad Grade Crossings: A Literature Review from FRA, — This document reviews research addressing driver behavior at highway-railroad grade crossings to understand decisions and actions at these crossings to develop better countermeasures to discourage dangerous driving behavior.
Compilation of State Laws and Regulations Affecting Highway-Rail Grade Crossings FRA, — This resource provides overview of various State laws and regulations concerning every aspect of the regulation of highway-rail grade crossings and driver behavior at those crossings. It covers all fifty States and the District of Columbia. October 18, on Grade Crossing Inventory reporting requirements, inventory systems and data. Due to technological difficulties, audio was not available but script can be read in Closed Captioning.
July 26, on Pedestrian Crossing Treatments November 1, on Quiet Zones January 30, on Agency Coordination July 17, on Blocked Crossings April 1, on State Action Plans. Closed Captioning was not available but please download a transcript here. July 29, on Innovation Technology The local agency enters into its own easement agreement with the railroad to secure the necessary rights of way.
When necessary, these agreements shall be completed prior to Right of Way certification, and certified as part of that document prior to submission to the DRMT. As soon as possible, the local agency and railroad shall furnish to the other the railroad plans of proposed work.
The plans should show the following, as appropriate to each entity:. This program is administered centrally from Caltrans Headquarters on a statewide basis. Caltrans is responsible for funding, contracting and oversight of the Section projects. The CPUC is responsible for the development and administration of the Section priority list, development and updates to the final scope of work, preliminary plan drawings, project cost estimates and approval of the GOB request.
Local agencies and railroad companies are required to provide an update of the project schedules and costs in writing every three 3 months from the date of the Notice to Proceed NTP.
Local agencies or railroads that fail to provide these semi-annual updates may result in their projects being dropped from the program. Updates will include the following information, as necessary see exhibit.
This information is needed to ensure timely project delivery. If the project is experiencing significant delays, the agreement may be canceled so that the funds can be programmed on other projects. This must be done before expenditures are incurred in excess of the contract amount. Federal directives require that the results of safety improvements be evaluated three years after the project is completed. Each project listed must have a before-and-after evaluation.
Safety deficiencies corrected by this program largely justifies the prioritizing methods and future funding. Note: the CPUC determines the scope of work needed to eliminate vehicular and pedestrian hazards. Because of the limited amount of funds the CPUC must clarify the extent of relocation or realignment of highway and railroad projects that are eligible under the program. Projects are evaluated under existing conditions and any roadway widening projects to improve roadway capacity will not be considered under this program.
However, additional roadway improvements may be considered but only if funded separately using other funding source Project Selection and Programming Procedures Section of the CPUC Code provides that no public road, highway, or street shall be constructed across the track of any railroad at-grade, nor shall the track of any railroad be constructed across a public road, highway, or street without first securing permission from the CPUC.
The following is the general schedule and procedures for developing the annual list and program: The CPUC identifies and prioritizes project locations. Projects are developed in coordination with local agencies, railroads and Caltrans. The local agency, railroad and Caltrans if on a state route provide concurrence and agree to the project and scope of work.
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