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Malware is also a big problem, so be sure you have the best antivirus solutions on hand. You may also have massive downloads happening on your system or elsewhere on a network that slows things to a crawl. Be aware of network usage of things like BitTorrent or streaming video. It's also possible your old hardware simply isn't up to snuff when the time comes to running the latest software.
The occasional full reinstallation of the OS might fix the issue, but there's a reason people upgrade things like RAM, hard drives, and entire computers every few years: new software gets better and better partly because it's written to work with the latest and greatest components. We've focused here on PC slowdowns that you can fix. Most of these are problems for Windows users, but we found a couple of helpers for Mac OS X users, too. There are lots of great paid utilities out there, but don't forego the free utilities galore that help you clean up and speed up the computer.
Regular system maintenance will go a long way to eking out many more years of use from your PC, so check out your options in the next few pages. Piriform has cornered the market somewhat on incredibly well-crafted utilities that anyone can use for free, and the cornerstone of its offerings is CCleaner.
The latest version 4. There's a Mac version for OS X There's even an integrated application uninstaller tool. Everything is logged so you can analyze it before deleting, if desired, but CCleaner is well regarded for seldom steering customers wrong.
It will zap your cookies if you're not careful, though, so you may have to sign into websites again. Piriform guarantees CCleaner as percent free of spyware and adware—not something you see from every vendor.
PCMag's Editors' Choice utility for cleaning up a computer happens to be totally free. SlimCleaner comes with no restrictions on how many PCs you use it on and had great tuneup results in testing.
How it differs is in aggregating the collective data of many, many SlimWare customers, so it has a much better idea of what to delete, what to keep, and how to optimize a Windows PC for the best performance. In our review, analyst Jeffrey Wilson called SlimCleaner "a mashup of social network and utility that does a fine job of cleaning gunked-up PCs. On top of those socially powered improvements, SlimCleaner also includes a duplicate file finder, a disk defrag, a disk analyzer so you get a visual idea of a hard drive's contents, and a wiper that cleans over the data you thought you deleted but didn't really, due to the way hard drives work.
You choose from 20 visual themes what PowerPoint calls templates that work for screens running , , or ratios. Inside a slide, you can draw shapes, create tables, link shapes, enter un-seen comments, and more. Perhaps most useful is the collaboration—multiple users in multiple locations can work on the slides simultaneously something Drive also does with aplomb with word processing and spreadsheet documents.
A revision history tracks changes so you can always find out who screwed up what. And you never have to click "save" to ensure your changes are permanent. Use it on the Web or via an iPad-specific app to create some incredibly well-designed slides for your next presentation, or as they prefer to call it, your next "story.
As it states in an introductory deck of slides, Haiku Deck is shooing for 33 percent simplicity, 33 percent beauty, and 34 percent fun as much fun as prepping for a meeting can be, anyway. Haiku Deck stresses the use of art and imagery, making it a must for designers—but it provides access to 35 million pieces of free stock art to go with six included themes. You can purchase more. Once you're done creating a Haiku Deck, showing it is easiest with an iPad, but the decks are also embeddable into sites see the deck below as an example.
They can also be exported into PowerPoint and KeyNote formats, though Haiku Deck would prefer you publish your deck on their site, making it public the best of them end up in the Haiku Deck Gallery , but you can restrict the audience or make it totally private as desired.
Prezi Web The biggest downside to Prezi is that its freedom has limits: you can only make Prezis that are public, and they can only be MB in size, unless you pay. But oh what fun they can be—Prezi has, hands down, the most unique transitions, what PCMag called an "animated visual feast unlike the usual boring set of bullet points" in our review. That hasn't changed.
Everything in the presentation is on one, giant slide—you just jump from spot to spot. Zoho Show Web, iOS, Android Zoho's suite of tools never seems to get enough credit, but its Show presentation tool deserves a lot of praise. This Windows software isn't strictly for creating presentations, but it does something different by supporting multiple kinds of presentation files and other formats like PDFs, Prezi files, video, images, you name it.
You drag them all into SlideDog and reorder them to make a "presentation playlist" that can play all at once, or as you command. PowToon Web PowToon creates not only slidedecks but also promotional or informational videos to share. But for free you can get a five-minute preso video—you don't even have to be in the room to give the talk. Sounds familiar, but emaze also throws in some "3D" templates, so when you replace the place-holder text you'll get a nice visual effect.
Here's an example from emaze yes, you can embed and share presos where you like :. Well, unlike the full version that comes with Microsoft Office, the stripped-down PowerPoint Web app handles your PPTs with ease, which shouldn't be a surprise. You'll want a browser with SilverLight installed, and that probably means using IE for Windows most of the time.
You won't find every feature of the desktop version, but you will be able to save directly to your SkyDrive soon to be OneDrive account for access anywhere. But now that OoO, as it was called, is dead, the open-source office suite has forked into other suites including Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice.