Oregon massage therapy license requirements
Some of the approved examinations, however, are no longer available. The MBLEx is a current offering. Moreover, it is accepted as a licensing examination in most U. Candidates may apply online. Examinations are computer-administered and are available year-round. Approved candidates are issued ATTs that grant a day testing window. The IASI is another current offering. It is offered by the Certification Board for Structural Integration siexam.
The IASI is intended for candidates with very specific training. Traditional candidates are those who have graduated from or are currently attending IASI-recognized programs. Other candidates may be approved to sit for the exam after portfolio review. The examination approval process is longer for nontraditional applicants. Fees vary by circumstance. As of February 1, , both examinations have been discontinued. In their stead, the NCBTMB offers an advanced examination that is not intended to be used for initial licensure ncbtmb.
Practical Examination: The practical examination assesses communication and assessment, massage and bodywork, and kinesiology. The handbook provides details about concepts that may be addressed.
The Board has also provided a video about the examination process oregon. Practical examinations are generally available each week. The Board schedules applicants but does make an attempt to accommodate date requests.
Notification is sent 14 days in advance unless the applicant has chosen to waive the 14 day notice. Skip to main content. Translate this page. Welcome Page. NEWS: COVID Online Information and Resources: The following are online resources to assist and guide you as you in making an informed and responsible decisions and determinations of how to proceed with providing massage services during this time. The Governor's Office Newsroom Visit the Governor's newsroom webpage for the latest press releases and statements.
However, late fees will be waived until JULY 1, allowing Licensees additional time to renew their license without a penalty. Please note: the suspension of the late fees required by OAR will expire on July 1, LMTs who do not complete the renewal application by the last day of their birth month will lapse. This rule has not been suspended or waived. ORS The Board is unable to waive or suspend statutory requirements, and unable to reduce the minimum hours to less than the 12 hours required by statute.
The 12 required CE hours may be contact, non-contact, or both. The Pain Management Module may be counted as 1 hour of non-contact towards the 12 hour CE requirement. Current Basic Life Support certification at the time of renewal remains a requirement. The 4 hour Ethics, Boundaries, and Communication requirement is suspended for completed renewal applications received between June 30, , and July 1, Renewal applications received during this time period do not have to include four hours of Ethics, Boundaries, or Communication.