References in microsoft word

On the Reference tab, click Insert Citation and then do one of the following:. To add the source information, click Add New Source , and then, in the Create Source dialog box, click the arrow next to Type of Source , and select the type of source you want to use for example, a book section or a website.

To add a placeholder, so that you can create a citation and fill in the source information later, click Add New Placeholder. A question mark appears next to placeholder sources in Source Manager. If you chose to add a source, enter the details for the source. To add more information about a source, click the Show All Bibliography Fields check box.

Click OK when finished. The source is added as a citation at the place you selected in your document. When you've completed these steps, the citation is added to the list of available citations.

The next time you quote this reference, you don't have to type it all out again. You just add the citation to your document. After you've added a source, you may find you need to make changes to it at a later time. To do this, see Edit a source. The table of authorities is normally used in legal documents.

It lists references in the document with the page numbers. The process for creating a table of authorities is similar to that of creating an index where you begin with marking your text. First, select the text that you would like to reference in the table and click Mark Citation in the Table of Authorities section of your ribbon. You can adjust the selected text, include a category, and view the short and long citation sections. When you are done, click Mark and then Close. After all of your citations have been marked, navigate to the spot in the document where you want the table.

Click Insert Table of Authorities from that section of the ribbon. Here again, you will see formatting options for your table such as keeping the original formatting and selecting the categories to display.

Click OK when you are finished. If you use the Index or Table of Authorities feature, you may notice that your document suddenly contains markings. These items include paragraph and space indicators like in the image below. Are you in school or a profession where the References tab in Word is one that you use often? If so, do you find it to be easy to use or confusing? Hopefully these explanations and steps will assist you in taking full advantage of the References tab and its built-in features.

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Sandy Writtenhouse Articles Published. Then press OK button. What you get on your paper is the in-text citation for this type of source:. Step 6: Once you have entered all your citations, you can enter your reference list. Note: depending on your version of Word, there might be no References option, in which case, select Works Cited or Bibliography, and simply change the title to References. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older.

In the For which box, click the specific item you want to refer to, such as "Insert the cross-reference. To allow users to jump to the referenced item, select the Insert as hyperlink check box.

Cross-references are inserted into your document as fields. A field is a set of information that instructs Word to insert text, graphics, page numbers, and other material into a document automatically. For example, the DATE field inserts the current date.

The advantage of using fields is that the content being inserted--date, page number, graphics, etc. For example, if you're writing a document over a period of days, the date will change each day when you open and save the document.

Similarly, if you update a graphic that's stored elsewhere but referenced in the field, the update will get picked up automatically without you having to re-insert the graphic. When you print the document or hide field codes, the field results replace the field codes. If you want to cross-reference items that reside in a separate document but don't want to use hyperlinks, you'll have to first combine the documents into one master document and then insert the cross-references.

A master document is a container for a set of separate files or subdocuments.


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